Google Index Checker

Check whether your site is on Google or not with Index Checker

What is Google Indexing?

Google indexing is a process that identifies the existence and accessibility of a page in the vast library of the internet. In this process, Google's search engine crawls the pages of the website, analyzes their content and stores it in its database. So, when a user searches for something on Google, the search engine delivers the most relevant results from this database. Indexing is the primary step for the site to appear in Google search results.

The indexing process varies depending on a number of factors, such as the quality and structure of the page's content and backlinks on the internet. Google constantly updates its algorithms and re-indexes pages to provide users with the most relevant and up-to-date information. However, not all web pages are automatically indexed by Google. In order for a page to be discovered and indexed by Google, some basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques must be applied.

If your content is good and your site is SEO friendly, your site will be indexed even if you do not take any action. If your site does not get indexed, you can also register with Google Search Console to speed up this process. When you submit a sitemap via Search Console, your pages request the Google index. In this way, all pages are sent to crawl by Google.

How to Perform a Google Index Query?

Google index query is a way to check whether Google indexes a particular URL. This is especially important for webmasters and SEO experts because indexing a page increases the chances of that page appearing in Google search results.

The index query process is very easy, thanks to the particular tool we developed. You have the chance to make two different index checkers in total, including our tool.

First, Google's own "site:" query can be used to check the status in Google's index for a particular site or page. For example, searching for "" shows whether the specified URL is listed on Google. However, this method only provides a general check and does not provide detailed information.

The second is to use our tool for more detailed analysis and queries. Our tool provides a fast and user-friendly experience by entering the URL and showing the index status of the page in detail.

What does the Index Checker Tool do?

The Index Checker tool is a free tool used to check the Google indexing status of the website. This tool is an indispensable assistant for SEO experts, content writers and webmasters.

The purpose of developing our tool is to check whether web pages are ranked on Google. If your content is not in the Google index, these pages can only be accessed by entering the full URL. Therefore, if you think you are experiencing a Google index problem, start using our free tool immediately.

How Does Google Index Checker Tool Work?

Step 1: In the first box, enter the URL where you will test appearing on Google. This may be in the main directory of your site or in its subdirectories. Our tool will perform all tests successfully, regardless of the URL typed.

Step 2: After completing the URL entry, click the "Check" button.

Step 3: Our tool will show you whether your page will be in the Google index or not, free of charge. In the results, "Indexed" indicates that the content is on Google, and "Not Indexed" indicates that the content is not yet on Google. An example query process is shown in the image below.