Whois Lookup

Find out the owner of the domain name, registration date, and domain expiration with Whois lookup

What is Whois?

In the endless world of the internet, questions such as who owns the domain, when it was registered or when it will expire are frequently asked. The way to find the answers to these questions is through the vehicle without querying Whois.

So, what is Whois? To explain briefly, Whois is a database containing registration information of domain names on the internet. This database includes essential information, such as who bought the domains and when they will be renewed, as well as many other important details.

If you are wondering when a domain name will expire, when it was purchased and who its owner is, you can do this in seconds with the tool we developed. Our domain whois query tool can be used both free and online.

What Does Whois Search Tool Do?

The Whois query tool allows you to view all registration details of a domain on the internet. Our tool will enable you to find out who registered the domain, the registration and expiration dates, which company it was written by, and which name servers (NS) the domain uses. This information is precious for website creators, digital marketers and cyber security experts. It is also an essential tool for those who want to contact the owner of a domain.

Domain Name Expiration Date Inquiry

The expiration date of a domain refers to the last date by which that domain must be renewed. This date is essential for the domain owner because, after the expiration date, the domain can be purchased by someone else. Although registrars send emails, the date may need to be remembered.

Domain name expiration date inquiry helps domain owners and potential buyers track the current status of the domain. Thus, undesirable situations are prevented.

Is Domain Owner Inquiry Possible?

With the Whois query tool, you can find out who the owner of a domain is. This information is usually provided by the company with which the domain is registered. However, in some cases, domain owners may keep this information confidential to protect the confidentiality of their personal information. Therefore, it may only sometimes be possible to obtain information about the domain owner.

When the whois domain is queried in our tool, if the domain owner does not use confidentiality, you can easily reach the buyer company or person. Our tool provides you with the most accurate information in a short time and does this free of charge.

How to Use Whois Domain Lookup Tool?

Step 1: Enter the domain name for which you will make a whois query in the "Domain Name" section.

Step 2: After the domain name entry is completed, click the "Lookup" button to access the results.

Step 3: Whois results will appear instantly. You can find the information below in the results.

  • Domain Registrar: You can find out which company the domain name was purchased from in this section.
  • Who Owns the Domain: In this section, if the privacy of the domain name is not active, you can check its owner or which company it belongs to.
  • First Purchase Date: It expresses the date the domain was first purchased in terms of day, month and year.
  • Domain Expiration Date: In this section you can find information about when the domain name will expire.
  • Name Servers: In this area, you can find information about which ns addresses the site is directed to.

Our site's whois information was queried using our tool. You can view the results in the image below.