Image to Base64

Convert your image to Base64 encoding online

Maximum upload file size: 5 MB

Use Remote URL
Upload from device

What is Base64?

With the development of Internet technologies, new methods have been needed to store and transmit various types of data. One of these needs is the conversion of media files, such as images, into text-based formats. This is where our Base64 tool comes into play.

Base64 is an encoding technique often used to convert binary data, such as images, into an ASCII character set. This method allows data to be transmitted in environments that can only receive text-based data, such as e-mail.

Our tool allows you to access Base64 codes by uploading your image. If you need such a tool, you can immediately use the tool we offer for free.

Why Convert JPG to Base64?

Images in JPG format are one of the most frequently used image formats on the internet. However, sometimes, it is not possible to use these images directly in HTML or CSS codes.

Our tool converts an image in JPG format into a text string with Base64 encoding. This text string becomes directly available in HTML or CSS.

Thus, instead of presenting image files as a separate link, it is possible to embed them directly into the code. This method is especially preferred to reduce the loading times of web pages and minimize dependence on external links.

Why Are Images Used as Base64?

One of the main reasons for using Base64 encoding is to increase the efficiency of data transfer. Once an image file is converted to Base64 format, it can be placed directly into the HTML or CSS file. This way, the browser does not have to make a separate HTTP request, which significantly increases page loading speed. In this way, your site opens faster, and users can navigate your site more easily.

How to Use the Official Base64 Conversion Tool?

Step 1: Upload the image you want to convert to Base64 format to our tool from the "Select File" section.

Step 2: After the installation is completed, click on the "Convert" button. That's all you need to do.

Step 3: When the conversion is completed, our tool will give the Base64 code as both "img src" and "css background". You can see an example of the output in the image below. Afterwards, you can access the code in base64 format by copying the type you want according to your usage area.